Bernardo Alejandro Urriza Arellano

Profile and Objective

I am an engineer and businessman with the determined goal of positively impacting the human society through technology.

My projects are the materialization of my passion for changing the environment for the better; actually, it is my responsibility to do so. Ultimately, what we all seek is easy to put in words: happiness, and it may mean something different for everybody, but it always requires health, love and motivation for progress. That's the blood that flows through my contributions, and what allows me to dedicate them the effort they deserve.

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Key Distinctions

Bernardo Urriza profile


Telecommunications and Electronic Systems Engineer with excellence honors by Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)

Highest engineering grade (98/100).

Awarded with Premio Nacional CENEVAL.

Ten consecutive Academic Excellence awards.

660-hour service at marginalized communities.

Collaboration at Univesrsity of Illinois (bionics).

Bernardo Urriza profile

Distinct Abilities

Soft | Empathy, media and public relations, leadership, commitment, initiative, availability to help. Motivation and vision for a more intuitive and enjoyable future.

Hard | Self learning, effort, work under pressure, consistency, realism and precision. Strong determination.

Bernardo Urriza profile


First language | Spanish.

Foreign language | Advanced English.

2017 | BULATS | C1.

2016 | Cambridge Advanced English | C1.

2016 | TOEFL | 600.

Bernardo Urriza profile


Programing in C++, Assembly, Java, MATLAB, C, Python, Spice, C# and VHDL. AVR and STM arm microcontrollers.

Advanced use of computers and mobile devices. 3D Modeling, animation and printing. Photography and video. Integration of electronics, networks (Cisco) and IoT.

Student Groups

Student Groups

Logistics coordinator of the Student Association of Telecommunications and Electronic Systems Engineering at ITESM, which organized technology talks, lessons, courses and events regarding state-of-the-art topics of interest for the students.

Core member of the student group Solastalgia, which provided community service for marginalized regions, including trash recollection, economy awareness lessons and visits to poor regions of the adjoining states.

Safety coordinator at FotoTec, a photography student group dedicated to depicting both artistic and thought-provoking visual material to exhibit on and off campus.

Mechanics partner for Nautilus 4010, a robotics team competing in different categories at FIRST International Competitions.

Published papers

Published Papers

Facilitating Theoretical and Experimental Internet of Things Learning in Higher Education Using a Novel Flexible-Web Platform. ICIMT 2021 (Beijing, China).

RFID Pocket Labs as an Engaging Introduction to the Internet of Things: A Learning by Doing Approach. ICSIE 2021 (Cairo, Egipto).

SimpleIoT: Plataforma Web educativa como herramienta de apoyo para el aprendizaje del Internet de las Cosas. CIIE 2021 (Monterrey, México).

A comparison of feature extractors for panorama stitching in an autonomous car architecture. ICMEAE 2019 (Cuernavaca, México).

Smart Backpack ABE. ICMEAE 2018 (Cuernavaca, México).

Autonomous Robotic Platform Training on Behavioral Cloning Neural Networks using ROS and VESC Project Resources. ICMEAE 2019 (Cuernavaca, México).